The “Patriots Pen” is a Patriotic Essay that Star Valley Middle School participates in each year.  It is our way of honoring America’s Veterans.  Students have an opportunity to show respect as well as learn an appreciation for those who have served this great country and sacrificed for the freedoms we and others enjoy.  It is sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW).  This essay is a Social Studies & English combined project and meets standards in each curriculum.  Students will receive both a History and English grade for completing this assignment.  The best essays will then be entered into the state competition.  The top state winners will then go to nationals to compete.  Prizes are awarded at each level with the national winner receiving a $10,000 bond.  We have had many students do well at the state and national level.

This year’s theme “What I would tell America’s Founding Fathers”

Rules 300-400 words, no poetry allowed, must be contestant’s own work, quotations may be used,

Judging Knowledge=30 points, Theme development=35 points, Clarity=35 points

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